Parents' Rights Now!

Parents' Rights In Education, a National Crisis!

Suzanne Gallagher Season 1 Episode 1

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A national organization, Parents' Rights In Education, is located in OREGON, with an exploding Washington Chapter. If you ever wondered in which state Comprehensive Sexuality Education became law, first, wonder no more! Mandatory K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Education  (CSE) was voted into law in 2009. Oregon is the most Progressive in the US. If you wonder what this will look like in your state, we can tell you.
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By Suzanne Gallagher, Director, Parents’ Rights In Education

June, 2019

America is experiencing a national cultural crisis, facilitated by public schools. There is a clear political agenda to destroy the traditional family in America. Never before have all parents been legally “separated” from their minor children by the government. Until now, the American family was considered to be the foundation of civic life; the smallest form of government, where children are taught responsibility, respect for authority, and national pride. 

Now, legislation passed throughout the states is designed to support minor rights, not parents’ rights. In the name of equity and inclusion, children are required to know and accept every form of sexual behavior, even though those behaviors are dangerous and contrary to their parents’ beliefs. Government school bureaucrats have managed to deceive families to believe when they drop their children at the schoolhouse door, the parent-child relationship will be supported by teachers, counselors, administrators, and health care providers. Not so...

Children are encouraged not to believe and follow the moral beliefs of their parents, but to stand up for their rights to be and do what they want. Beginning in Middle school, students are taught details of sexual acts including anal, oral, and vaginal, presented as equally good and perfectly normal. 

Students are encouraged to explore and decide for themselves who they are attracted to, and what they are: heterosexual, bi-sexual, homosexual, lesbian, transgender, or other. It is not uncommon for minor heterosexuals to engage in anal sex, believing it is “safe,” and not "really sex" because pregnancy is not an issue. 

Curriculums encourage students to access Planned Parenthood websites featuring videos and other content affirming their rights to engage in sexual behavior when they are “ready," and with whomever they choose. The Advocates for Youth site, sponsored by Planned Parenthood, encourages minors to “join the movement” advocating for sexual freedom.   Amaze, is a video site for K-8 students, designed to appeal to pre-pubescents with messages encouraging them to “be who they are.” 

Gender identity is taught beginning in Kindergarten. How can a 5 year-old decide what they want? An Oregon grade school, Stafford Elementary hosted a “coming out” party for a third grade boy who decided to identify as a girl. Parents were not notified their children were attending the party in the Principal’s office during school hours.

An Oregon 12-year-old middle school boy was contacted by another boy via the school email system to have anal sex in the boys’ restroom during class. The relationship continued over the summer, resulting in victims’ inability to control his bowels, which by law, is considered classic sexual abuse. Although the boy’s doctor reported it to the state, after referral to the school’s Resource Officer, complaints were dropped, claiming “consent.”

Students claiming to be transgender are honored, asked to announce their “decision” at school assemblies, and have access to locker room showers and rest rooms of their choice. Teachers are required to “monitor” these facilities, observing opposite-sex nude students, which would be illegal under any other circumstance. Overnight field trips and camps are required to accommodate gender identity of students and staff, allowing them to sleep and use restroom facilities with those whose sex they identify. 

School counselors are encouraging students to take steps to gender transition, facilitating their access to hormone therapies (Planned Parenthood), and surgical services. In Oregon, students as young as 15 may do so without parental knowledge, paid for by the state. School Based Health Clinics offer referrals to Planned Parenthood clinics for abortion. All done without parent knowledge or consent. 

The crisis is evident. Parents and students are fighting back, because those who understand the Constitution know it’s not right. Woodburn, OR parents filed a million-dollar lawsuit accusing school district negligence, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Their 8-year-old son was held back from recess multiple times for one-on-one conversations with a teacher about his gender identity. Parents were not notified.

Frustrated and angry, Because of these policies, parents are compelled to keep their children home from school. Unless this issue is raised to the federal level, it appears the only recourse available (except repeal or challenge of bad legislation) is to sue the schools, teachers, and administrators. Every day that goes by, is loss of good and appropriate educational instruction for our nation’s children, a national crisis, for sure.