Parents' Rights Now!

School's Impact on Children's Future with Suzanne Venker

Suzanne Gallagher

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Suzanne Venker is an author, public speaker, a weekly podcast host, and helps women reject bogus narratives about men, marriage, and motherhood that sabotage their success in life and in love.

Today, she discusses how the public education system perpetuates false narratives about men, marriage, and motherhood. She highlights the influence of schools in shaping children's beliefs and behaviors, emphasizing the impact of the woke culture. Venker explains that public schools often bypass parents and promote their own agenda, creating a conflict with biblical principles and undermining the parent-child relationship. 

However, she is optimistic about the growing awareness and activism among parents to challenge the indoctrination in schools. The conversation also touches on the challenges faced by teachers and the need for citizens to support parents in their efforts to reform the education system.

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