Parents' Rights Now!

Monday Briefing: School Lawsuits, Propaganda, and Faculty Secrets

Suzanne Gallagher

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In this conversation, Suzanne Gallgaher discusses several news stories related to education. The principal themes include a lawsuit against a school district for negligence in a sexual assault case, controversy over banned books in Nebraska, the promotion of anti-Israel propaganda in Portland schools, parental rights in California, and a lawsuit in Colorado regarding transgender students. The conversation covers topics such as school safety, freedom of speech, parental rights, and transgender issues.

PreScore Shoutout
Name: Sara Olson 

Bio: Sara is a mother of two young men and a wife to a Navy Vet. She is running for the Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau School Board in 2025. Her goal is to leave a legacy not only to her children and grandchildren but for all kids! 

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Score: 92%

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