Parents' Rights Now!

Monday Briefing: VP Picks, Student Censorship, and a Title IX Update

Suzanne Gallagher

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In this conversation, Suzanne Gallgaher covers various news topics related to parents' rights and education.

The principal themes include the selection of Tim Walz as Kamala Harris's vice president, the censorship of pro-Trump parking spots in Keller, Texas, the dismissal of a complaint in an accidental COVID-19 vaccination case in Vermont, and the Biden administration's new Title IX regulation. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding school district policies and advocating for parents' rights.

Trans Refuge Bill:

PREScore Shoutout

Cory Raymond
 Running for: Maine House of Representatives, District 41
 Bio: Cory is a proud native Mainer and his  most important job is being a father to his 7 year old daughter and a husband.  He works in a healthcare setting and has served on Norway, Maine and Winthrop, Maine Fire Departments. 


His Top 3 Priorities are: 

Reinvigorate Education

Make Maine more affordable

Prioritize Public Safety
 PreScore: 96%
 Profile Page Link:

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