Parents' Rights Now!

YES, PARENTS DO HAVE RIGHTS! Free Speech and School Boards

Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 132

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Texas Association of School Boards to Leave National Organization

By Brandon Waltens  May 23, 2022

McKinney School Board President Sued for Squelching Free Speech

By Erin Anderson
May 18, 2022

"The school administration refuses to allow any public debate concerning this book. Parents have been silenced. The most recently conducted zoom meeting on March 4th continued to make it clear that what they say goes, no one else was allowed to speak. All of us were muted by the school administration, questions that were sent by me amongst others were ignored. The meetings are fully orchestrated theatrical performances that fail to address parents’ concerns.

Parents’ rights have been violated and we demand immediate intervention.

The Bill of Rights published on the DOE site unambiguously states:

Parents have the right to:

Participate in regular written or verbal communication with teachers and other school staff and share concerns regarding their child’s academic, social and behavioral progress;
Participate in meaningful and productive parent-teacher conferences to discuss their child’s progress in school and have access to other school staff, as appropriate, throughout the school year to discuss concerns;
have their child learn in a safe and supportive learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, and bigotry.

Parents have every right to be allowed to speak to their children’s school administration and should not be silenced. This is a public school, taxpayer-funded, and should not be permitted to completely shut down open discussion about our children’s education. The school should be required to abide by the federal and state constitutions and basic principles of allowing parents to speak about concerns they have regarding their children’s education. 

Such conduct reminds me of the country I grew up in with a totalitarian regime where one was not allowed to speak freely. The authoritarianism or totalitarianism the US Supreme Court said is unconstitutional.

Public Officers (PBO) CHAPTER 47, ARTICLE 7. § 103 is known as the open meetings law. Except PS 158 has a total disregard for it.

The NYS Board of Regents publishes many statements about civic readiness, including “Demonstrate respect for the rights of others in discussions and classroom debates, and how to respectfully disagree with other viewpoints and provide evidence for a counterargument.” Something PS 158 feels does not apply to them as these children are very young, and the rights of others in discussions, equally applies to the parents of these very young children. They want to teach respect of others, yet show total disdain for the viewpoints of the parents of these children when it suits their own political agenda.

Please take action to require this school’s administration to immediately set up a forum and allow for public discourse." New York City Chapter Director/Parent

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