Parents' Rights Now!

PUBLIC SCHOOL CONFUSION: Washington Schools Lying to Parents, Breaking the Law!

Suzanne Gallagher Season 2 Episode 128

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EDMONDS: On March 28th, Jason Rantz, well known NW radio personality  published an article about the Edmonds SD claiming children as young as 7 were being taught about gender, self-identity, and asked to choose their own pronouns. When parents complained, district representatives claimed lessons to be mandatory by new law. Either they were misguided or lying to parents.

BELLINGHAM: A first grade teacher read the book “I Am Jazz”, a story about a boy who identifies as a girl, to her young students. When parents discovered the book was read to their children without their permission or knowledge, and complained to the district, they were met with silence. The parents then took their concerns to the school board. NO SYMPATHY... the president of the board operates a self-described “all-ages” sex toy shop.

Both of these districts are operating counter to RCW 28A.300.475 Comprehensive sexual health education. According to the law,

"Comprehensive sexual health education for students in kindergarten through grade three must be instruction in social-emotional learning that is consistent with learning standards and benchmarks adopted by the office of the superintendent of public instruction."-section (11)(b)

Nowhere in the standards for social emotional learning is there any mention of gender, self-identity, or lessons on pronouns.

On the website for the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) districts are given permission to teach sexual health starting in kindergarten which includes lessons on gender and self-identity,

"No sexuality content or curriculum will be required, although districts may choose to offer additional instruction in alignment with K-12 Learning Standards for Health Education."

BUT...If they do THEY MUST follow the law which states,

"...any parent or legal guardian may review the comprehensive sexual health education curriculum provided in his or her child's school"-(7)(a)

OPT - OUT, and the law also states:

"Any parent or legal guardian who wishes to have his or her child excused from any planned instruction in comprehensive sexual health education may do so upon filing a written request with the school district board of directors or its designee, or the principal of the school his or her child attends, or the principal's designee."- (7)(a)

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