Parents' Rights Now!

Comprehensive Sexuality Education, PART 1: THE KINSEY CONNECTION!

August 13, 2020 Suzanne Gallagher Season 1 Episode 20
Parents' Rights Now!
Comprehensive Sexuality Education, PART 1: THE KINSEY CONNECTION!
Show Notes
Parents’ Rights In Education is concerned about the disproportionate focus on sexual relations in public schools beginning in Kindergarten. Designed to change traditional sexual and gender norms of society, controversial behaviors are taught to minors, including details of anal and oral sex, mutual masturbation, and gender options. Even in light of known negative physical and emotional health outcomes for sexually active children, and Age of Consent laws, minors are told they have a RIGHT to have sex early and often, that “[e]ngaging in sexual behaviors should feel pleasurable.”

On the Parents’ Rights In Education there is an ISSUES tab titled K-12 Student Health. We use this term “health” to make a point. This and all other subjects taught are considered by the education establishment, to be for our children’s health. The following information is part of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education issues page.

Kinsey, Father of Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Why the international frenzy to teach children, K-12 to be sexual?

“While no one noticed, at least 317 infants and children were sexually tortured by pedophiles for Kinsey’s allegedly ‘scientific’ child sex data, educators repeated his pedophile conclusions-children were sexual from birth…hence school sex education should be mandated.” Dr. Judith Reisman

Dr. Reisman is accepted as an international expert witness on human sexuality. Her study supports the conclusion that Alfred Kinsey's research was contrived, ideologically driven and misleading.

Contrary to popular belief, those who oppose Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) are not against sex ed. Typical accusations include cultural ignorance, and uncaring attitudes about premarital pregnancy, which is utterly and completely false.

Parents today want their children to be knowledgeable about their developing bodies, understand the risks associated with sexual relations at an early age with multiple partners, including pregnancy, HIV, and STI prevention. Although CSE curriculums address these issues the underlying premise, and actual curriculum focus is of greatest concern.

Alfred Kinsey, considered the father of CSE, built it on the premise children are born sexual beings. And because of it, they have a right to sexual pleasure by themselves, or with a partner. Even more incredulous is the notion children should be involved in regular sexual activity to maintain good health. 

Inspired by these theories current law provides children rights to sexual privacy and autonomy, birth control, and abortion, purposely excluding parents. According to Kinsey followers, most societal sexual and gender norms, especially those based in religious beliefs are considered repressive, even unhealthy, and should be changed.

The following story is a true account by "research subjects" for the Kinsey human sexuality project at Indiana State University. This one is taken from Casualities of Kinsey, THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FOUNDER OF SEXUAL DECAY IN AMERICA published by Abstinence Clearinghouse featuring my friend, and renowned advocate for parents’ rights, Dr. Judith Reisman. The complete document is available on the Parents’ Rights In Education website. Just type Kinsey in the search bar.

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